Sunday, July 19, 2009

----------Nothing special going on, nothing should be mention and by life is boring---------
Trial- September

*story books
*magazine (mina & popteen)
*relax and be lazy all the time!

i just hope i can back to 15 years old!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bing Bing
Yummy chocolate cake with hot melted chocolate + ice-cream...5 STARS!!!!

Dinner time at Little korean

I'm so boring >.<

Saturday, June 20, 2009


, here come Ms, Lazy update her blog again! And one again, nothings much special to mention...=___=" God bless me......~_~OK, after the holiday, here come the result of mid year exam and...well.....from bad to worse=_=(knock the head to the wall). Please remember remind me do not study over night, plus saving my eyes become panda eyes=___=".....

And tomorrow is FATHER DAYS!! happy father day to my "lao dou".....hehe

ELAINE!!WHEN U JUST WAN TO BE SEROUS IN YOUR SPM and stop be lazy???(forgive me T.T..sob sob...)

P.S: go listen to this song "鎖住時間" by SHE, so nice and sweet!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Genting again..........hiaz, what place can we go? Anyway, Chinese's favorite gambling place......

Taking breakfast at Genting mian hotel Cafee....i like this place XD

a glass of Pink Guava, wanna try?

hehe...look so silly....but a bit funny XD

i look so tired.....yea definitely....=_="
"mei tui"...forgive us, we too boring=__="
selling parrot!!! 1k each! XD

ssssssiting on the Roller Coaster..................

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Finally mid-year exam is over!
And one's again welcome back my to my normal life!^^
What should i do during this holiday? Maybe i can sleep one whole week and gaming another week! Since i two weeks holiday~Yeah!

By the way, your's guys got any plan going out this holiday?
Maybe i will just leech at home gaming........~__~"


Saturday, May 23, 2009

---too boring--


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Really nothing to do

Look at my little cute bear! I took this picture while studying sejarah since i near fell a sleep...hehe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


What a "study" week..........My life is mess up with lot of stuff! "Elaine, pass up your peka and physics exercise!", "Elaine, you do add math and sivik folio already? Tomorrow need to pass up already!"..."Do u do rivision already?".............@__@" Gosh! So many things to do, and after the end of this week, the"cruel exam" will begin. So girl, study hard abd fighting! LOL


Need so waste time some more?=__="

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yo! Shout for 5sc2!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Woh! Today i am so tired!! 7.00am went to school, 3pm a late lunch with my friend at Tong Shui House. Lol.....i ate one big bowl of "mian fen gao" and tong shui, so full, feel like my stomach gonna explose...@.@ But nevermind, the person who paying not me...XD(i am so bad =)), anyway, thank to him and i will miss him when he study at KL >.<"......7.00pm went to Hospital with my cousin visiting my father...poor father today went for a operation from 11am until 4.30pm(oh gosh!! one operation take time so long@_@) and i am SO WORRY!!! When i went in to the room, he is still sleeping with the light off. Maybe my voice are to loud and he wake up and said HI to me+cousin......After a sort conversation, i notice that he is still wearing the " operation cloth", i mean just wearing something look like a shirt but it's not really a cloth anyway @_@. His body surrounded with small tube, two at his hand(moffin and glucose solution ), near bladder position with a plastic that carrying urea and at the back(think so), got a small tube access of some liquid(forget what liquid already) . In front of the TV table got 2 little small bottle with somethings inside it. First , i tough that is some kind of medicine with red colour, but when i focus clearer, i saw somethings very geli inside @.@ and my father said that'r the slip disc inside our back bone(in BIO call what already>.<). Then, i am sort of Ermmm>>>>@__@""...........thinking wanna post the photo at blog, but at last i decide not to do it because you all well never read this after seeing the

About 10 something, went for supper with my cousin because she wanna eat sater celup XD...............................when i reached home, i am SO TIRED!!!

Tomorrow i will ponteng school liao!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just a picture at esprit

-I look so short-sob...sob


YO! Ponteng school again!!!

Why?- don't wan to attend the sukan at 2.00pm to 5.00pm(save sometimes for napping )

How?- School doesn't allow us out of school for our lunch(at that time, i will curi-curi go back
home), plus the canteen will crowded with all
form students

Action?-thinking wander how that MILK will take any action on us.......don't care la!

What should we do? complain? argue? and giving all sort of reason?
Yea.......most of the students will do.........but i don't think that MILK will accept any of our reason

PS: Who wan buy me HELLO PANDA biscuit for me??!!1 pleaseeeeeee...........


i wan be this baby! his eyelashes so nice!
Ahh! damn CUTE!
Look at his eyes perfect and big!!!

Doggies wedding photo~

Cute Doggies also can take wedding photo, and they are absolutely cute!!! XD

Monday, March 23, 2009


-What student usually do before exam-

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1 month

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during the exam

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after exam

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the day result came out

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after 1 minutes

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Sunday, March 22, 2009


-The End of holiday-

everything back to normal again...........
no more relaxing or gaming?
i am not sure........................

No matter how bored or how hard our life be,
Life keep going on until the end of our day.................
So, may the God be with us always and everlasting......................

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Any plan?Vocation??
Relaxing? Yes?No!
A lot of stuff i need to do!>.<"
Homework, revision, house's works,
take care of my gramdmum(her memory getting more worse and cham),tiding my room(can't entering at all)++++++
Hiaz...........what a busy holiday=.="

-12,13 march-
ponteng school(^<++>^)
visited my sister and bring her go Pinang gai gai, she was so happy and look like a person who was out of jail=_="
Stay at Gerney hotel and shop at gerney plaza(lol, i love this place"shopping paradise"*.*)

-14-17 march-
Went to Phuket Island with my father's friennd and his family and this trip id dame boring because -
-i haven't touch a drop of sea water yet (don't even mension swim in the sea=.=")
-And the worse thing is we were wasting of time stay in the hotel half day and done nothing while waiting my F friend wake up and have their breakfast(#$*^$@&&)=__=" .
- Donno what the hell with my father and mother, they quarrelling at the night they going for thier massage...........Well, Phuket is a nice place for man but not girl or woman for holiday because a lot of Bar arround and most 80% girl work as a pub girl(also known as chicken,that's why so many westen's country man like to go there).A lot of old man walk in and out from hotel(u know what i mean?) and most of the girl look so ugly=.=(i'm bad=P) Phuket got a lot of A gua, some of them so beutiful and they wear more sexy then girl @.@" can you imaging........And i notice that Phuket's dogs are so lazy and fat, not like our country dogs..........

Monday, March 9, 2009

by Elaine mission complete

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Study = no fail--1
No study= fail--2

study+ no study=no fail+ fail

study(1+no)= fail(1+no)

study = fail



anyone know how to read?

What a day

Feel bad to my sitting position today, i choose Man Gee instate of Beatrice , when i ask her :" it's okay you sit at the back there?" and she just said fine. But i can feel that she is very sad. Hmm... am i bad? YES! i am!!(S.O.R.R.Y) i need 100% of paying attention to the teacher(since i had cancel my add.math tuition). When she got high fewer today, i feel so bad>.<"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

TEST is Ov3r, late take some BREAK............

Saturday, February 21, 2009


X teacher : Elaine, do you have any problem sitting at that place?
me : Umm...a bit (making a arrow to right), but now is quite fine already(NOT!!)........
X teacher : Okay then......
this is the conversation between teacher and me before all the 5sc 2 students back to class

Well, i wanna say " Teacher!! I have a very BIG problem with her, k?" But i just keep quiet and smile to her.......

"I feel so angry with you. You always disturb me and others when we having lesson so that people will take notice of you? Do you feel very fun when disturbing other?? Har?and sometime i miss what teachers are teaching because of you , at the end we both can't understand what teacher are teaching. I notice that you also doing other things when teachers are teaching, after that you tell me you don't how to do the questions at all(i feel sad to the teacher).....Plus sometimes you keep on borrow and borrow things from me. Don't say i am selfish, but hey! i need to lent you all sort of things? The eraser, mechanical pencil, add math book, ruler and even calculator when i need?! And you even don't have a proper pencil box(u tell me you bought it since school holiday and how it look like......=.=") ! You got money to buy cloths and shoes, but why don't have money to buy what you really need har??!And I am not your supplier man!! You promise me you will buy those things , but at the end i didn't saw any of it................I hope you will changes after i have told you all this problems, but this few days you didn't change at all..."

Well, i ignore her this two days (yea, i'm bad). But she very queit and concentrate when lesson started. Maybe this is a good way to improve when she being ignore...........maybe.....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

----------Happy Valentine day----------

Sunday, February 8, 2009









对我说:" 勇敢起来吧!"

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year

During this Chinese New Year, i play until so sot! X_X Oh gosh, now i just remember more 2 weeks our monthly test will be started!@_@" Anyone done your revision??!

Well, this year my father bought 3 boxes of fireworks and it's much beautiful then last year......XD As Usual, the first day of Chinese New Year, my cousin, aunties and uncles take a visit to my house(keep "searching" for ang pao) .

We went back to Kulai for a visit to my grandfather & mother. Then, this is the time i start my gambling with cousin, hehe......XD. I think this year my luck is bad cause i keep on losing money=_=". In the evening, my cousin(表弟) take his German(a dog) go out for a walk, then i notice German much more bigger and naughty then i though(he bite my hand more then 5 time when i sayang bad T__T)(keep "searching" for ang pao)
(German *5 month*)
-went to 小舅 house and Jusco at jb(just open)-(keep "searching" for ang pao) (i like the design of his house(second floor) )

can't go bai nian with my friends T__T(still jail in kulai). At night we have buffet at my 3 aunt house. After that, we start our gambling(21) XD(keep "searching" for ang pao)

went out for supper with my friends and cousin, the crabs are damn nice and delicious(yummy yummy~) Btw we finish our supper already 11pm, so we decided to take a boat and go around the Malacca River. This river is damn smelly X__X and not much things for us to view, i wander why so many people like this place.........=__="

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Super Junior-我抱着我(in my arms)

贤:安静的夜黑了 白色蜡烛哭了
月光冷了 音乐都仿佛沙哑了
周:凌晨的风凉了 我的怀抱空了

合:(海)我抱着我的梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了
(贤)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不爱了

贤:看星星都睡了 连咖啡也凉了
心痛醒了 世界都仿佛颠倒了
旭:凌晨的风凉了 相片变黑白了

合:(H)我抱着我的梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了
(庚)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不爱了

我的左边 你去哪了

合:(源)我抱着我梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了
(周)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不在了

我抱着我梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了
我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗
约定的话和自己说 不能相信你不在了

I LOVE this song so much!!!!! XD

Sunday, January 25, 2009



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Satay Celup

Haha, yesterday was so fun...XD
After mass, in a group of nine people, we went out for our suppetr,
In the moment, we take some ss photo while waiting for the table..... brother look so funny...=__=""
HAha, what a mess.................