Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Any plan?Vocation??
Relaxing? Yes?No!
A lot of stuff i need to do!>.<"
Homework, revision, house's works,
take care of my gramdmum(her memory getting more worse and cham),tiding my room(can't entering at all)++++++
Hiaz...........what a busy holiday=.="

-12,13 march-
ponteng school(^<++>^)
visited my sister and bring her go Pinang gai gai, she was so happy and look like a person who was out of jail=_="
Stay at Gerney hotel and shop at gerney plaza(lol, i love this place"shopping paradise"*.*)

-14-17 march-
Went to Phuket Island with my father's friennd and his family and this trip id dame boring because -
-i haven't touch a drop of sea water yet (don't even mension swim in the sea=.=")
-And the worse thing is we were wasting of time stay in the hotel half day and done nothing while waiting my F friend wake up and have their breakfast(#$*^$@&&)=__=" .
- Donno what the hell with my father and mother, they quarrelling at the night they going for thier massage...........Well, Phuket is a nice place for man but not girl or woman for holiday because a lot of Bar arround and most 80% girl work as a pub girl(also known as chicken,that's why so many westen's country man like to go there).A lot of old man walk in and out from hotel(u know what i mean?) and most of the girl look so ugly=.=(i'm bad=P) Phuket got a lot of A gua, some of them so beutiful and they wear more sexy then girl @.@" can you imaging........And i notice that Phuket's dogs are so lazy and fat, not like our country dogs..........

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