Thursday, April 16, 2009


Woh! Today i am so tired!! 7.00am went to school, 3pm a late lunch with my friend at Tong Shui House. Lol.....i ate one big bowl of "mian fen gao" and tong shui, so full, feel like my stomach gonna explose...@.@ But nevermind, the person who paying not me...XD(i am so bad =)), anyway, thank to him and i will miss him when he study at KL >.<"......7.00pm went to Hospital with my cousin visiting my father...poor father today went for a operation from 11am until 4.30pm(oh gosh!! one operation take time so long@_@) and i am SO WORRY!!! When i went in to the room, he is still sleeping with the light off. Maybe my voice are to loud and he wake up and said HI to me+cousin......After a sort conversation, i notice that he is still wearing the " operation cloth", i mean just wearing something look like a shirt but it's not really a cloth anyway @_@. His body surrounded with small tube, two at his hand(moffin and glucose solution ), near bladder position with a plastic that carrying urea and at the back(think so), got a small tube access of some liquid(forget what liquid already) . In front of the TV table got 2 little small bottle with somethings inside it. First , i tough that is some kind of medicine with red colour, but when i focus clearer, i saw somethings very geli inside @.@ and my father said that'r the slip disc inside our back bone(in BIO call what already>.<). Then, i am sort of Ermmm>>>>@__@""...........thinking wanna post the photo at blog, but at last i decide not to do it because you all well never read this after seeing the

About 10 something, went for supper with my cousin because she wanna eat sater celup XD...............................when i reached home, i am SO TIRED!!!

Tomorrow i will ponteng school liao!!!!

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