Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh no!!! This time de final year exam i sure die, today i have try my best to concentrate on study, but my mind can't think about holiday!!!I'm so excited about the holiday don't know why..........>.<" remain me of something.....hmmm....oya.....NEXT WEEK FORM 4 DON'T HAVE ANY HOLIDAY =___________________="...............................why Why WHy WHY!!!!!!! I wan holiday and I NEED IT....>__<'' Why this stupid school didn't give us holiday?! Ha let me argue with the principal XD

If I'm the principal,
- i wan cancel the school rule(pin the hair until like sakai) and so on....
-change the noob school uniform into Japanese's style(because i just love it XD)
-halau susu kelua(yea, i'm bad)
-build a music room
-bell ring as nice song~(not old fashion)
and so on................................
But i think my school will become very noisy haha...................

Ok, enough of dreaming, let get to study and add oil+++
and wish me a thousand of GOOD LUCK during the exam T.T

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