Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hei! come and take a look at her-李智雅-
She so beautiful...XD

Monday, October 27, 2008


刘∶ 宇宙洪荒那时候
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
林∶ 开天辟地了以后
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
林∶ 如果我们那时就相遇
&刘∶也许分离 还没被发明
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
刘力扬&林宥嘉 - 传说
刘∶ 宇宙洪荒那时候
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
林∶ 开天辟地了以后
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
林∶ 如果我们那时就相遇
&刘∶也许分离 还没被发明
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶ 这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
&刘∶我会尽我全力 抵抗时间的侵袭
不停的爱你 HOHO......
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶ 这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
刘∶ OH 还好我有你
刘∶ 幸好你有我
刘力扬&林宥嘉 - 传说

I love this song~~XD

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cute Cute Dog!!XD Let take a look

Friday, October 24, 2008

Finally exam over!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I HATE HER! I HATE HER!!!!!!! STUPID AND IDIOT!!!why she so unfair........DAMN IT I'M SO ANGRY.......next holiday i wouldn't stay at house and don't wan stay with her...every time scold me non stop...just like a radio...damn it.how i gonna study!.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


New poster!!!!!
In this poster Edward look so scary>.<"
But release at 21 november T.T
I can't wait already.............

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I hate exam

Exam...so boring.......=_="

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why am i so mood less.....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dong also got wedding

Dog also got wedding~XD
There are so lovely and cute right?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh no!!! This time de final year exam i sure die, today i have try my best to concentrate on study, but my mind can't think about holiday!!!I'm so excited about the holiday don't know why..........>.<" Holiday...holiday...holiday....that remain me of something.....hmmm....oya.....NEXT WEEK FORM 4 DON'T HAVE ANY HOLIDAY =___________________="...............................why Why WHy WHY!!!!!!! I wan holiday and I NEED IT....>__<'' Why this stupid school didn't give us holiday?! Ha let me argue with the principal XD

If I'm the principal,
- i wan cancel the school rule(pin the hair until like sakai) and so on....
-change the noob school uniform into Japanese's style(because i just love it XD)
-halau susu kelua(yea, i'm bad)
-build a music room
-bell ring as nice song~(not old fashion)
and so on................................
But i think my school will become very noisy haha...................

Ok, enough of dreaming, let get to study and add oil+++
and wish me a thousand of GOOD LUCK during the exam T.T

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Just take dinner at my neighbour house(they celebrating their little girl one year olds de birthday). I didn't ate as full as possible cz this few days(6 of 9 days) i keep on go out for dinner until jelak, plus now my stomach very pain.......=.="
Let me recall back :Last friday- bu fee
- bu fee and dinner
Monday - dinner( same foods from the wedding's dinner)
Wednesday-go out eat sate celup ang "tong sui'
Thursday -also outside dinner(eat until so"bao"=.=")
Friday - outside, nasi lemak=.="
today -back to bu fee=.="
Hmm.....i think i fat jor(oh no!!!!!)............................T.T

This week, many relative were came back(include my sister), and all of them are sleeping at my house, i think about 10 of them(excuse me, how i gonna to sleep@.@"??). Anyways, problem also got the method to solve right? So my sisterand me kena "halau'' out of my sweet little room and sleep at outside Z.Z" for 5 days.................But finally, now my house "back to normal" (quiet ,peaceful and.............) le.....yeah~
The worse thing is i can't concentrate on my study and at last i didn't do my revision.............sie la................

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

-I can't sleep well-