Friday, June 13, 2008

Worse worse worse........................

Hmm....long time didn't update my bolg ady.....~.~ since i so lazy......3 things that make me very angry.....first, is my sis, she went to kalaok until five pm....then forget about me who still staying at home like a monkey waiting her fetch me go tuition......when she come back ask me why didn't go tuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT LA!!!!! then act like nothing wrong.....=.="ishhhh!!!! "him".....sms tree time to him ady....still didn't reply my massage.........3 is this COMPUTER!!!!!! the screen colour from bad to worse...first it become pink...then red!!!!!!!!!see until my eye so pain..................hiaz.....

1 comment:

lovesnoopy4rever said...

laine, who u meant the "him"?
can u tel me...
i wan 2 know... :)