Monday, July 28, 2008

A bad news for meor maybe my whole class....
That xxx really wanna change to our class...=.="
Oh no...i can't accept her...why Why WHY!!!!!
I Hate Her....

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Lov3 is patient,Lov3 is kind.It does not envy,It does not boast,It is not proud.It is not rude,It is not selfseeking,It is not easily angered,It keeps no record of wrongs. Lov3 does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protect, always trusts,always hopes, always perseveres.Lov3 never fails

Hate those guys

So moodless today..maybe a bit of angry still can't move out of my mind...because of THOSE GUYS who making "noise" at the wan sin's tuition centre......i REALLY REALLY hate those SILLY guys!!!!What for they bring the electronic guitar to tuition??!!! Wanna act cool izzit.... lound until the whole study room like gonig to "runtuh"(if u all wan to rock, Pls go out at the street the rock....i think ppl will throwing thier shoes to u all.......... ) =.=" They really donno what is sound pollution...maybe they haven't study SCIENCE yet....doesn't ever care about other feeling and diin't respact other....noisy until like hell...i really wan to crop those guitar into pieces or throw to the pound(i think this pound de location is really good enough to be near out tuition centre)>.<"..Plus that "Stupid Magician"(talk like a girl...) donno got what mental problem, "dance" like a mad ppl...(or maybe he is really insane)...somemore his action so "geli"...=.=" swt siao...And one thing that really make me fire was he can took my chair without my permision when i'm go out....then when i'm back..he act nothing n put his smilly leg on my chair....hei!!1what kind of atitude is he..har????? maybe he didn't learnt moral before......ok, anyways, those guys are in my black list now..i will not ever talk to them with good atitude, n last... to them "SORRY NO CURE"!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

There is always tomorrow

Everything in life change you in some way,
even the smallest things.
If you do not accept these changes,
you do not accept yourself.
For through these changes brings new and greater things to you,
making you wiser as time progresses.
To avoid these changes is a loss.
You only live your life once.
Do not waste a minute of it avoiding things.
Let them come to you, and learn from them.
There is always tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Are we just friends?

Did u like?

Please tell it out.......

Let me know what are u thinking..........

Don't makes me confuse..........

I' tired of being alone.......

Please don't just give a smile to me.......

Because u know what i really want.........

And don't ever so sorry to me....because

Sorry no cure...........


Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,

and finds your presence that life is worth while.

So when you are lonely,

remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.