Friday, June 27, 2008


hmm...6.30pm famly now are taking dinner except me who still infront of my sis lp.........hehe.....well..tml my sis will going to uum follow by my mum n father (who helping her to carrying those nonsense(is i spell an idoit i'm...=.=)).......hehe...arfter she go to u, this room is one will ever disturd me....i can do whatever i like....XD...but will a bit lonely then....hiazz..........well..anything wish her good luck



Thursday, June 26, 2008

new update

o...well....i'm back again...finally i can update my blog again.(i'm really ketinggalan last sunday my main pc burst ady because of the thunderstorm now have to use the labtop to on9.............hmm.....but at last the one who edit n update this blog wasn't i'm too lazy liao....hehe...but anyway..i really love my blog..hehe...and a very thank you to my best friend ---janice---......hehe........ok..tml "reportcard day".........wanna sleep i very sleepy..

Friday, June 13, 2008

Worse worse worse........................

Hmm....long time didn't update my bolg ady.....~.~ since i so lazy......3 things that make me very angry.....first, is my sis, she went to kalaok until five pm....then forget about me who still staying at home like a monkey waiting her fetch me go tuition......when she come back ask me why didn't go tuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT LA!!!!! then act like nothing wrong.....=.="ishhhh!!!! "him".....sms tree time to him ady....still didn't reply my massage.........3 is this COMPUTER!!!!!! the screen colour from bad to worse...first it become pink...then red!!!!!!!!!see until my eye so pain..................hiaz.....