Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Go watch Pi Li MIT~
I like gui gui so much~XD

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello bangkok

estarting our journey by walking to the plane==
This doggie r so cute, about 25 cm long and 19cm high only
Sungai Mekong~
donno y i take photo of this buiding, maybe is the rainbow colour attracted me........
yo! this is beyoke hotel, the highest with 83 floors five star hotel!
Nothing to do at the hotel, so take a break and ss

those cars are so cuteXD, pink pink de........

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm tired, boring and wasted the time in front of the computer.I feel like nothing to do while waiting my grandmum come back from the......don't what meeting or visiting.
And again, tomorrow i will ponteng class, because no transport and 50% is lazy(plus a bit no mood) going to school.
So as usual, i take a public us to school and when i reach school is about 6.15a.m(=.="). In order to waste my time, sleeping is the best. When i wanna sleep, i feel like my stomach was calling me. So, i go outside school and bought my favorite "mi sham". But when i eat, the "me shiam" got a bit hagus smell and too "soft". Ugh, poor little me shiam, must say hello to the dustbin.........after that there is a fashion show(just for form 2 and 1 and most of the "model" are lala), then don't know what make up(most boring moment and i dislike their studio's student that who like ss so much and every 5 mins taking one photo=.=" ), finally is the kara-ok competition then.......................

Yoyo, WMO, i'm back again!
Since i didn't play about 9 month already.....
New job and new skill and even new name to me,
But still know how to lure, ff and say hello........XD
My "old friends" all 3= already T.T

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Sometime i really hate my school bus's boss.
1. he is a "M".
2. his bus very lousy.
3. he always open the air-con for those "M"'s student only
4. His driver many time didn't come and fetch us or late fetching us, because he think that "M"'s student are more important then us.
5. Every earlier month he will standing in front of the bus door there and collect the fee(RM 55),
if student didn't pay, he will remain and give a angry expression............=.="
6. This month we just "tongpang" his bus for 2 weeks, but he ask us pay RM50, walao (sry, i can't control.....) he crazy already izzit, excuse me, i know we are just a student and don't know very well in calculating the fee per kilo, but hei!!!! 2 weeks = half month k?! and every body even a 6 year old kidz also know the fee most expensive also half prise la.............how can be rm50.......................=.=" And i WOULDN'T pay for him, never and ever.........................

i think this boss really got some problem, don't know calculating or menthol problem he have and i just wanna remain him, i am not a stupid student anyway..........................
And i got something to tell you that"I HATE U AND YOUR THIS BUS DRIVER"
STUPID SIA................