Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Welcome 2009

Oh gosh!!! @.@" Still got 2 day and year 2008 gonna end....Bye bye my form 4 life, bye bye year 2008 and i' m gonna miss "you". I' m quite scare to welcome 2009, because many people say that' s year 2009 is a bad year, especially in economy.......many people going to lost job, i' m so scare >.<"..........(hmm, back to the subject) The most important year i' m a form 5 student 0.0...oh no!! so hard to imaging me already form 5 @.@...too fast for me to accept..aaaah!!(in half insane situation ) Okay , let plan up what i should do in year 2009

What should i?
1. A crazy shopping for Chinese New Year first(wakaka XD)
2. Tuition preparation for exam
3. Get a driving licence for car and bye bye for school bus...happy..(XD)
4. Hard work no matter what
5. planning..........

Wish all my F.R.I.E.N.D.S good luck in 2009 =)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Kinda lazy to update my blog....>.<"........Anyway, today is my father birthday! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my FATHER and i love u.........XD.........You are the best father in the world and i hope you will be happy and always......XD

~Christmas Event~

Air Salak's Santa XDWell, this is our' s Santa~ but i think my Santa kinda special right? XD clover up all face...haha
In logic, children will love Santa, but at here, there scare of Santa @.@" When we reach someone's houses with a lot of kids, they run away like "kua dio gui". (left: my brother, right: my sister)

We are busy eating at someone' s house, poor little Santa can't eat>.<" and just can standing there and watch"wang mei zhi ke"
Dancing time~*At my house*


" hark now hear the angels sing, a new king born today~~~~"
yoyo, caroling time....enjoy so much XD every night got supper and it's free of charge XD

24/12/08 brother accident @.@" luckily he is fine, but poor myvi have a serous injure >.<......At night, i went to church for a mass. After that we(me, brother, sister, wen hao and "he") went to pu tao ya chun, i so scare because i sit beside him>.<" so i just control myself and stay cool.....PTYC crowded with people @.@" and we even can't move also....the decoration are nice but environment there are bad enough=.=" many a beng and lala=.=" and they all spray the crim(donno wht crim) everywhere.........Well, the smell of spray make me sick and geli. So we just go out of this place and have some supper...........


Merry christmas ~.^ when i wake up and face the mirror, my face is like that(=.=)*two little panda eye with human face *. I was suprise that he come to my house with wen hao and leech at my house whole day. Instate of nothing to do, we play carrom=)....i'm happy although i keep on lose^^" At night we (10 ppl) go dp watch 10:10pm movie (title: YES man). this show very funny abd u all should go and watch^^

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone^^

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Go watch Pi Li MIT~
I like gui gui so much~XD

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello bangkok

estarting our journey by walking to the plane==
This doggie r so cute, about 25 cm long and 19cm high only
Sungai Mekong~
donno y i take photo of this buiding, maybe is the rainbow colour attracted me........
yo! this is beyoke hotel, the highest with 83 floors five star hotel!
Nothing to do at the hotel, so take a break and ss

those cars are so cuteXD, pink pink de........

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm tired, boring and wasted the time in front of the computer.I feel like nothing to do while waiting my grandmum come back from the......don't what meeting or visiting.
And again, tomorrow i will ponteng class, because no transport and 50% is lazy(plus a bit no mood) going to school.
So as usual, i take a public us to school and when i reach school is about 6.15a.m(=.="). In order to waste my time, sleeping is the best. When i wanna sleep, i feel like my stomach was calling me. So, i go outside school and bought my favorite "mi sham". But when i eat, the "me shiam" got a bit hagus smell and too "soft". Ugh, poor little me shiam, must say hello to the dustbin.........after that there is a fashion show(just for form 2 and 1 and most of the "model" are lala), then don't know what make up(most boring moment and i dislike their studio's student that who like ss so much and every 5 mins taking one photo=.=" ), finally is the kara-ok competition then.......................

Yoyo, WMO, i'm back again!
Since i didn't play about 9 month already.....
New job and new skill and even new name to me,
But still know how to lure, ff and say hello........XD
My "old friends" all 3= already T.T

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Sometime i really hate my school bus's boss.
1. he is a "M".
2. his bus very lousy.
3. he always open the air-con for those "M"'s student only
4. His driver many time didn't come and fetch us or late fetching us, because he think that "M"'s student are more important then us.
5. Every earlier month he will standing in front of the bus door there and collect the fee(RM 55),
if student didn't pay, he will remain and give a angry expression............=.="
6. This month we just "tongpang" his bus for 2 weeks, but he ask us pay RM50, walao (sry, i can't control.....) he crazy already izzit, excuse me, i know we are just a student and don't know very well in calculating the fee per kilo, but hei!!!! 2 weeks = half month k?! and every body even a 6 year old kidz also know the fee most expensive also half prise can be rm50.......................=.=" And i WOULDN'T pay for him, never and ever.........................

i think this boss really got some problem, don't know calculating or menthol problem he have and i just wanna remain him, i am not a stupid student anyway..........................
And i got something to tell you that"I HATE U AND YOUR THIS BUS DRIVER"
STUPID SIA................

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hei! come and take a look at her-李智雅-
She so beautiful...XD

Monday, October 27, 2008


刘∶ 宇宙洪荒那时候
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
林∶ 开天辟地了以后
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
林∶ 如果我们那时就相遇
&刘∶也许分离 还没被发明
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
刘力扬&林宥嘉 - 传说
刘∶ 宇宙洪荒那时候
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
林∶ 开天辟地了以后
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
林∶ 如果我们那时就相遇
&刘∶也许分离 还没被发明
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶ 这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
&刘∶我会尽我全力 抵抗时间的侵袭
不停的爱你 HOHO......
林∶ 一千次轮回都不错过
刘∶ 一万里相随都不放手
&刘∶在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
刘∶ 一千次轮回足不足够
林∶ 一万里漂泊又算什么
&刘∶ 这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
刘∶ OH 还好我有你
刘∶ 幸好你有我
刘力扬&林宥嘉 - 传说

I love this song~~XD

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cute Cute Dog!!XD Let take a look

Friday, October 24, 2008

Finally exam over!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I HATE HER! I HATE HER!!!!!!! STUPID AND IDIOT!!!why she so unfair........DAMN IT I'M SO holiday i wouldn't stay at house and don't wan stay with her...every time scold me non stop...just like a radio...damn i gonna study!.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


New poster!!!!!
In this poster Edward look so scary>.<"
But release at 21 november T.T
I can't wait already.............

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I hate exam boring.......=_="

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why am i so mood less.....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dong also got wedding

Dog also got wedding~XD
There are so lovely and cute right?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh no!!! This time de final year exam i sure die, today i have try my best to concentrate on study, but my mind can't think about holiday!!!I'm so excited about the holiday don't know why..........>.<" remain me of something.....hmmm....oya.....NEXT WEEK FORM 4 DON'T HAVE ANY HOLIDAY =___________________="...............................why Why WHy WHY!!!!!!! I wan holiday and I NEED IT....>__<'' Why this stupid school didn't give us holiday?! Ha let me argue with the principal XD

If I'm the principal,
- i wan cancel the school rule(pin the hair until like sakai) and so on....
-change the noob school uniform into Japanese's style(because i just love it XD)
-halau susu kelua(yea, i'm bad)
-build a music room
-bell ring as nice song~(not old fashion)
and so on................................
But i think my school will become very noisy haha...................

Ok, enough of dreaming, let get to study and add oil+++
and wish me a thousand of GOOD LUCK during the exam T.T

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Just take dinner at my neighbour house(they celebrating their little girl one year olds de birthday). I didn't ate as full as possible cz this few days(6 of 9 days) i keep on go out for dinner until jelak, plus now my stomach very pain.......=.="
Let me recall back :Last friday- bu fee
- bu fee and dinner
Monday - dinner( same foods from the wedding's dinner)
Wednesday-go out eat sate celup ang "tong sui'
Thursday -also outside dinner(eat until so"bao"=.=")
Friday - outside, nasi lemak=.="
today -back to bu fee=.="
Hmm.....i think i fat jor(oh no!!!!!)............................T.T

This week, many relative were came back(include my sister), and all of them are sleeping at my house, i think about 10 of them(excuse me, how i gonna to sleep@.@"??). Anyways, problem also got the method to solve right? So my sisterand me kena "halau'' out of my sweet little room and sleep at outside Z.Z" for 5 days.................But finally, now my house "back to normal" (quiet ,peaceful and.............) le.....yeah~
The worse thing is i can't concentrate on my study and at last i didn't do my revision.............sie la................

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

-I can't sleep well-

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My cousin wedding=P
How he look like? lol XD
Handsome anot?
My cute little nephew(XD) and cousin

Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yeah~ S.H.E new album, the 11 album..... XD
This time de album very cool right?!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


My grandmum so moden right?
Anyway, wanna wish her Happy Birthday~

Ponteng school today~yeah!

Just wake up early in the morning about 7.00am(donno why i wake up so early=__=")
First thing i do is solve the cube, really "fei"...

Things that i need to do today-tidy up my room and books
-study Sejarah

Thursday, September 11, 2008



我不再爱他,不再想他, 不会再在乎他。。。。。。

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


-- My life is meaningless--

Saturday, August 30, 2008

National day

Okay, today is national day.For me is such a boring day~.~,but for those Malay-yea, excited
and happy.This morning when i turn on the television, the first i saw was a entertainer asking a little Malay boy
"Kamu suka negara Malaysia?"
The boy answer
"Suka,sangat banggalah akan negara kita...."
"Kerana aman(me:got aman mei?=.="),rakyat kita perpaduan(me:since when got perpaduan=__=').............."
Tat boy haven't finish his words, the television already turn off....what a BORING~
national day.................................

But something that make me very excited is this September 20( i know is not my birthday) because all my cousin and will come back to celebrate my grandmother birthday...yeah~

Anyway, wish my friends have a happy holiday~XD

Thursday, August 28, 2008

--I really HATE myself--

As long as i promise myself,
i can't accept your invitation.
Because there is nothing can get from you anymore,
and thank a lot for being good to me,
i will appreciates it.
For this moment,
i will stop thinking of you,
and move away from you as far as i could,
that the way i can do to forgive myself.

Friday, August 22, 2008

This GM so selfish...=_____________=his house got so many things,
ask him give one for me also don't wan........................i'm so poor...T.T

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No study=Fail
Study= No Fail

No Study+Study= Fail+ No Fail
Nice Equation, XD
I really Lov3 it.......

Monday, August 18, 2008

What wrong with everyone?This holiday make me more moody....
And now, he is more "cool" then last time. I need someone bring me go holiday, out of this place,
so that i can forget him easily.

Eugh!Angry sia... I HATE U!!!!!X(
(ok, i will tell myself be happy)
But i can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting now
- study-study-study-

HeartBreak, HeartBreak.......

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I will look at the sky,and say it out that
"some days, i will forget you!"


Friday, August 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yeah!! two more days, i can bye bye to school and welcome my holiday....XD
No more school,
No more homeworks,
No more school activities,
No more teacher's complain,
No more school rules,
No exam,
Wouldn't see that XXX teacher's face,
And hello to my computer,
My story books(anyway,WHO CAN BUY BREAKING DAWN TO ME >.<"),
My television,
My comic
any special? @.@

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Double Exp this few days,
So everyone CRAZY leveling.....XD

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008
